Yes! is the ultimate international registry provider because members have the ability to select items from any store in the world. Go to the website of any store in the world, find the item you want, and add it to your registry with one click. Add as many items as you wish, from as many stores as you like, all under one centralized, beautifully-designed and easy-to-use registry. You can even add offline gifts from the shop around the corner with no website. Because our registry site truly harnesses the power of the global marketplace, eliminates the need to open multiple registries. Keep in mind that your guests purchase gifts for you directly from the stores included in your registry, so it is important to confirm the shipping and billing policies of each store you include to make sure they ship to your country. To post your shipping address on your registry, login to your account, and hover over the Settings tab at the top of your registry page to select Profile & Shipping Info. Make sure to save all of your updated shipping information.