Easily manage your guest list with our platform. Whether you're adding guests one by one or uploading many at once, we make it simple. This guide will walk you through adding guests on both desktop and mobile. You'll also learn how to use our spreadsheet template for bulk uploads. All changes are auto-saved, so you can take your time without worrying about losing progress.

TIP: The maximum number of guests allowed is 300.


1. Adding a Single Guest

    -From your Dashboard, go to 
Invite Guests in the left sidebar.
    -Enter the guest’s first and last names in the text boxes on the right.

    -Click Add Guest.

     -The guest will appear on the list on the left.

2. Adding Multiple Guests

    -From your Dashboard, go to Invite Guests in the left sidebar.

    -Click on the template link to download the spreadsheet.

    -Open the spreadsheet and follow the instructions.

    -Save the file to your computer.

    -Return to Guest List and either:

        * Drag and drop the file into the gray box, or

        * Click Browse Files, select the file, and click Open.

        *The guests will be added to the list.


1. Adding a Single Guest

    -From your Dashboard, go to Guest List.

    -Enter the guest’s first and last names in the text boxes.

    -Tap Add Guest.

    -The guest will appear on the list.

TIP: All changes are auto-saved, so you can pause and continue anytime.