Notifying guests of their matches is the final step in organizing your event’s gift exchange. You can send notifications immediately after drawing names or later from your Dashboard. This guide shows you how to notify guests on both desktop and mobile. You can customize the message or use the default one. Each guest will only see their specific match, making the experience fun and seamless.

Tip: Only matches where both guests are participating will be notified immediately. Pending guests will be notified once they join the event.


        1.Notify from the Draw Page

            -After drawing names, click Notify Matches at the bottom of the left sidebar.

            -Write a message or continue with the default one (visible to all guests, but each will only see their own             match).

            -Click Notify Matches.

        2. Notify from the Dashboard

            -If you didn’t notify guests immediately, go to your Dashboard in the left sidebar.

            -Click Notify Matches at the bottom of the sidebar.

            -Write a message or continue with the default one.

            -Click Notify Matches.


        3. Notify from the Draw Page

            -After drawing names, tap Notify Matches at the top of the page.

            -Write a message or use the default one (visible to all, but each guest only sees their match).

            -Tap Notify Matches.

        4. Notify from the Dashboard

            -If you didn’t notify guests right away, go to your Dashboard in the bottom navigation.

            -Tap Notify Matches at the top of the page.

            -Write a message or continue with the default one.

            -Tap Notify Matches.