Removing a guest from your event can be done easily on both desktop and mobile platforms. This guide covers removing a guest before and after names are drawn and notified, ensuring that any necessary reassignment is handled smoothly.
Removing a Guest Before Names Are Drawn
-Removing a guest before names are drawn has no effect on matches.
Removing a Guest After Names Are Drawn (but not notified)
-Removing a guest after names are drawn affects two other guests:
*The person they were buying a gift for.
*The person who was buying a gift for them.
For example, if Bob buys for Sally, and Sally buys for Kevin, removing Sally will leave Bob and Kevin without matches.
-Go to your Dashboard.
-Locate the guest you want to remove in the guest list.
-Click the More Icon next to the guest’s name.
-Select Remove from Event.
-In the pop-up, choose one of the following:
*Remove & Reassign: Click the button to remove the guest and reassign affected guests.
*Remove Only: Click the button to remove the guest without reassignment.
-Go to your Dashboard.
-Locate the guest you want to remove in the guest list.
-Tap the More Icon next to the guest’s name.
-Select Remove from Event.
-Choose one of the following:
*Remove & Reassign: Tap the button to remove the guest and reassign affected guests.
*Remove Only: Tap the button to remove the guest without reassignment.
TIP: Removing without reassignment leaves two guests without matches.
Removing a Guest After Names Are Drawn and Notified
Removing a guest after names are notified follows a similar process as above, but guests affected by the removal will already know their previous match.
-Go to your Dashboard.
-Find the guest you wish to remove.
-Click the More Icon next to the guest’s name.
-Select Remove from Event.
-In the pop-up, choose one of the following:
-Remove & Reassign: Write a message (or use the default), then click Notify Match.
-Remove Only: Removes the guest without reassigning, leaving two guests without matches.
-Go to your Dashboard.
-Find the guest you wish to remove.
-Tap the More Icon next to the guest’s name.
-Select Remove from Event.
-In the pop-up, choose one of the following:
*Remove & Reassign: Write a message (or use the default), then tap Notify Match.
*Remove Only: Removes the guest without reassigning, leaving two guests without matches.