To avoid paying shipping fees twice, you have two options. First, you can click the BUY button and add the items you want to purchase to your shopping cart on the store's website. Then, close the store’s window and go back to the registry. Look for another item and add it to your existing shopping cart at the same store. When you are done adding items to your shopping cart, you can complete the purchase transaction and all of the items in your cart will be shipped from that store.
For another option, once you are directed to a store's website and place the first item in the store’s shopping cart, stay on the store’s website and look for other items. You can easily print the registry’s Gift List or leave the registry window open at the same time. All you need to do after you purchase multiple items is to go back to the registry to mark those items as purchased to prevent other guests from buying the same items. If you decide to purchase items from different stores, you will need to pay each store’s shipping rates separately.