If you clicked the BUY NOW button, all you've completed is the process of getting linked to the store’s website. You are not obligated to make the actual purchase until you actually submit your credit card and personal information. If you did not submit that information, please go back to the store’s website to complete the transaction.
To be redirected to the store you, will need to find the gift on the registry and click the BUY NOW button. Once you're linked to the store, you'll be able to properly complete the transaction through the store's website. You must get a purchase confirmation directly from the store. If you do not, you may have not completed the transaction on their website. After you complete the transaction, please do not forget to report if you bought the gift or not on the Did you buy it? We are also available to assist with completing your purchase by phone 7 days a week by calling 201-886-1000.
I think I bought a gift but I never entered my payment information. Print
Modified on: Tue, 13 Jun, 2023 at 11:14 AM
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